Spencer Carli

Accountability: November 23, 2014

November 23, 2014

What I Accomplished

  • Send out project proposal for biggest project to date (crossing fingers)
  • Wrote and published one blog post read here
  • Read, wrote, excercised, and practiced German daily
  • Wrote down 5 ideas a day
  • Did some work on the handlebar labs websites
  • Hit consulting hours

Interesting Article of the Week: 7 Day Startup (book)

What I Didn’t Accomplish/ Need to Improve

  • Didn’t wrap up a project that’s been stagnant for a while… still waiting on client
  • I wanted to find 5 random fads and come up with a plan to localize them. Not for a real thing, just to flex the idea muscle

What I plan to work on Next Week

This is going to be a tricky week with a lot of traveling for Thanksgiving. I’m mostly focusing on being with family and researching next steps

  • Daily German, reading, excercise, writing, and 5 ideas
  • Hit contracting hours
  • Be with family

What is this?

Since I’m taking a different path I decided I need a non-traditional way to keep myself accountable. I don’t have many people pushing deadlines on me so it’s easy for me to come up with excuses and not actually get much done. So this is my weekly accountability post. It’s 95% for me to make sure that I have a consistent way to review what I did the prior week. If you stumble upon this and and feel like I was BSing the this week let me know. I won’t be mad. You can email me, call me, or tweet me. Seriously, call me out.